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Coconut Coir Briquettes

coconut coir briquettes with label on top of hydrated coconut coir

These easy-to-use coconut coir briquettes are smaller in size and work in the same way as the blocks. When wet, they swell up and their volume increases by about 8-9 times. For example, one briquette provides approximately 2.4 gallons (9 liters) of pure coco fiber pith/ coco peat. You can choose washed or unwashed coco peat. Briquettes can be individually wrapped if needed.

Compression Ratio: 8:1


Unit Weight: 1.4 lbs (650 g)


Dimension: 7.9 in x 3.9 in x 2.2 in (20 cm x 10 cm x 5.5 cm)


Electrical Conductivity Level: Low EC - fully washed

coconut coir briquettes - naked
Did you know?


Did you know that Briquettes have one of the highest compression ratios when compared to most products we offer? Big things come in small packages. Due to the Briquettes high density, it is able to expand more than any other product. This is great for retailers and resellers that have customers that like to purchase in smaller quantities.

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